These days, there’s so much consumer awareness around the negative implications of businesses choosing the lowest cost sourcing options that companies can no longer risk taking this approach. Making supply chains both financially and socially sustainable may not be an easy task, but it’s an essential one. Your procurement approach can’t just be about finding […]
How bad procurement harms your brand
Some people may still question the value of a Procurement function. So, let’s have a look at what happened to an organisation that did not invest adequately in this area. An organisation which did not put in place robust, fair and transparent procurement processes. Age Concern was in the news for all the wrong reasons […]
Without a Sustainable Procurement Programme Your Brand is at Risk
Sustainable Procurement. Why should you care about it? Because more and more of your organisation’s customers and key stakeholders care about things like minimising waste, impact on society, the environment, etc. Organisations that ignore these concerns wilfully expose their brands to the risk of irreparable damage. Sustainable procurement is about “doing the right thing”. It’s […]